Natural Beauty of the Month

As I have started my natural hair journey I have come across some amazing natural beauties. So I have decided to recognize a natural beauty each month this month I have chosen Mrs. Angela Dillard. Please follow along as I ask her questions about her natural journey.

How long have you been natural? 5 1/2 years

Why did you choose to go natural? I wanted dreadlocks

Who or what was your inspiration? no one

Any advice for newbies? HAVE PATIENCE, it takes a loooooonnnnnngggggg time

Any myths about dreads you'd like to talk about?  It's easier to maintain than permed hair

Where do you get your dreads done?stylist? in between places now; used to have dedicated person; not anymore

Do you think natural is cheaper then relaxed? Or about the same? about the same

Do you have family that oppose your decision to go natural? no, but if I did, it wouldn't matter.

What does your husband think? He loves them and only ask that I keep them long!

Do you any insecurity in going in for a corp interview? not anymore; I used to when it was at the in between stage.

Tell me why you are so confident with your natural? because it's my hair and I love the style and length!

What products do you use? Taliah Waajid for now.

How often do you shampoo your hair? about once a month.

How do you deal with your natural hair with the Atlanta heat? try to have an "updo" style or ponytail

How do you feel about being chosen for June natural beauty month? WAY COOL!

What do you do on your spare time? Watch Tv/ catch up on tivo and most importantly I volunteer with the red cross.

Is there anything else you would like to add? Thanks for the compliment!

I hope you  have been informed from my interview with Mrs. Angela about her natural journey. I would like to say
Thank you to Angela for your time and may God keep blessing you and your natural hair journey.